aiDorama: An Asian drama & movie fanblog

Ethan’s nudity – we’re all disappointed

So, it finally happened, Ethan’s naked swim, but not as we expected.

Ethan Ruan strips off his clothes…only fishes and shrimps can see

喧騰一時,阮經天昨天終於實現裸泳承諾,只是雷聲大雨點小,他騎著水上摩托車跑到很遠的海上,穿著海灘褲一躍而下,悄悄在海水裡脫光,游了游,就上岸接受 歡呼。很多人看了都訝異:「就這樣啊?脫跟沒脫有差嗎?」更有網友直批已看膩裸泳話題:「新聞炒半天,要露就露徹底,每天只會搞噱頭,炒同一條新聞!」
台 視、三立「命中注定我愛你」男主角阮經天提前一天裸泳,電視台事前將地點列為最高機密,避免閒雜人等混入。昨天大批媒體被遊覽車載到三芝淺水灣,阮經天瞄 到攝影記者手中的大炮(演唱會最常使用的長鏡頭),嚇得倒退:「那是火箭筒嗎?超矬的!」也有女記者對著他尖叫:「我要驗收!」想檢查海灘褲裡是不是啥都 沒穿。

After much buzz, Ethan Ruan finally fulfilled his promise yesterday. However, the event was over-hyped. He rode a water motorcycle far off the shore while wearing a pair of beach pants, then took it off in the water, swam for bit, and came back on shore. Many people who saw were surprised: “That’s it? What’s the different between swimming naked and not?” There were even fans on the web that expressed bordem in the “swimming naked” topic: “Since it was hyped for so long in the news, if they must get naked, they should do it in the open. It’s all about gimmick these days. Everyone is doing the same thing!”

TTV and SETTV’s “Fated to love you’s” male lead, Ethan Ruan, decided to swim naked a day before the original scheduled date. The broadcasting stations kept the location of the event as top secret in order to avoid having unrelated personnels at the scene. A crowd journalists were given a ride to 三芝淺水灣. Ethan Ruan were shocked to see a journalist who brought an extended camera, “is that a bazooka? That’s short!” There was also a female journalist who shouted to him and said, “I want to inspect!” She wanted to inspect to see if Ethan really wasn’t wearing anything under his pants.

但攝影器材再厲害也沒用,因為阮經天被安排在離岸至少100公尺以上的海域,除非狗仔派出水底攝影隊,否則跟一般跳水無異。小天下水前只略略小露股溝,跳 下水後脫掉海灘褲,游了幾下又穿回去,很快回到岸上,接受皇袍加身,還有監製陳玉珊的紅色泳褲,他笑說:「剛很怕有小魚小蝦來啄耶。」剛好周刊報導他的包 皮受傷,明明是死無對證的事,阮經天居然也正經回答:「我的包皮健康得很!」

It was no use regardless of how good the cameras were because Ethan was taken out at least 100 meters fromt he shore. Unless the journalists had gone underwater, there was no way. Ethan only showed a bit of his behind before going, then took off his pants in the water, swam for a bit and put his pants back on, and got back on shore quickly. Back on shore, Ethan receives a golden robe and a pair of red swimming trunks from the producer, Chen Yu Shan. He smiles and says, “I was really afraid that little fishes and shimps would bite.” One of the media reports that his skin got wounded. There was obviously no way of telling the truth, but Ethan replies, “My skin is very good.”

只是裸泳新聞炒太大,期待愈大,失望愈大,有人連「全台灣都感覺被 騙」的字眼都出籠,還說至少要背部全裸吧,三立見到媒體有微詞,表示其實尺度更寬,是經紀公司「凱渥」阻止,堅持要穿海灘褲;阮經天經紀人安麗聽後氣炸: 「小天有說過要裸體在沙灘上走嗎?什麼防護措施都沒有,配合到這種程度,還說沒誠意,世界上有哪個偶像會這樣,這已是創舉了。」

It was just the even of swimming naked was hyped too much. The more it was looked forward to, the bigger the disappointment. Someone even says that they feel “the whole Taiwan has been lied to”, and even said that at least his naked back side should have been shown. SETTV responded that they originally wanted to show more, but it was because Ethan’s management company, 凱渥, refused, and insisted that Ethan wear pants. Ethan’s manager was furious and replied, “Did Xiao Tian say that he would run on shore naked? There were no safety measures done. We have already sincerely cooperated with this event. Which idol star would do this kind of thing? This is already a record in history.”

Another news article reported that the reason Baron wasn’t there was because he was in China filming a commercial.

Source: translation from RandomFS’ forums.

– So, there we have it. No Baron, and its all underwater. I didn’t expect him to get up and preen or anything, but we might as well have been watching him swimming, then. =/

News clips, if you guys want to watch:

EDIT: In that first top pic, is that a tattoo I see???? I guess not, now that I think about it, I’m sure I would’ve noticed in the drama, in his swimming scenes… Hm. Looks like a scorpion or summat.

– Sheeree

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  1. * Shuhi says:

    hmm..of course cannot let his so called “people/fans” to see it wouldn’t it be the same that he is filming RA? hmm…or put yourself in to his shoes if u r the one who is swimming naked, do you want your naked photos to be shown in to the whole world??? well i bet not…

    | Reply Posted 15 years, 7 months ago
  2. * Anonymous says:

    ang macho mo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! akin ka nalang

    | Reply Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
  3. * Anonymous says:

    has abig

    | Reply Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
  4. * Anonymous says:

    this pict are beautiful
    i lke it
    and ethan ruan
    are handsome
    very hansome………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….of all universe………….?

    | Reply Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
  5. * Anonymous says:

    agruy lih.k

    | Reply Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
  6. * Anonymous says:

    ang laki…

    | Reply Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
  7. * ivy says:

    why does every one needed to be really disappointed?? does anyone seen what under that shorts when he took it off? he would just be joking in that case because why would he have the guts to remove his board shorts if he is nit wearing underwear inside… it is probably a prank joke from an artist to keep his “fans/people” attention to him.. :D,, instead of giving the negative comments,,why cant we just teach the person a lesson and say “press on”…hahaha… good luck to you Ruan Jing Tian and your career …

    | Reply Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
  8. * Anonymous says:

    don’t be so disappointed what is under Ethan’s pants is just the same as others i think the reason to be disappointed is because they have not seen one….hehehe. be satisfied ok.

    | Reply Posted 15 years ago
  9. * Anonymous says:

    any way he said he will swim naked…he did it he swim naked right! do you expect him to swim on the sand, that is the reason why you don’t see him naked because swimming should be done on the water and not on the sand or the it!

    | Reply Posted 15 years ago
  10. * Anonymous says:

    super hot body…
    joe chen and ethan ruan are perfect couple than ethan and tifanny xu..

    super cute body!!

    | Reply Posted 15 years ago
  11. * Anonymous says:

    ang laki cguro titi mo,.,ang bango pa kilikili mo,

    | Reply Posted 14 years, 11 months ago

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